
Political mistakes

It took a couple of days to sink in---that Hiram seriously thinks he can make a run for the Presidency. Yet, he already is making major mistakes. For instance, his initial announcement was made Thursday mornng and the deadline for the local newspaper, the Postscript, is each Wednesday at noon. The paper comes out each Friday. This means it will be March 9th before the newspaper story hits the street.

The Postscript does have an online edition that no one seems to read. By accident, though, a preschooler clicked the site and observed this headline:

Local Raconteur seeks White House.

The tot thought the word used was 'racketeer' and told his mom. A few minutes later Hiram received a call informing him that the Postscript had called him a crook.

There were other mistakes.

One reason Hiram married Stormy, some three years ago, is the fantastic and rapid banana pudding that she concocts. Mondays are traditionally slow days in the restaurant business. Mondays and inclement, snowy, rainy, days.

Stormy decided to feature the dish on these slow days calling it---Rainy Days and Mondays Banana Pudding---and each hour on Mondays she plays the familiar Carpenter's recording.

Monday has became Hope's busiest and most crowded day and even the truckers now leave the interstate and drive the five miles to the square. They try to park their big rigs near Hope where large parking spaces are limited. As one trucker put it, "Having terrific digestion trumps traffic congestion, anytime."

The point here is that Hiram should have made his announcement at lunch-time on a Monday when the place was packed, rather than in the early morning, on a puddingless day, before only a few.

Oh, yes! another mistake---Hiram has asked me to serve as his campaign manager. And a final mistake---I have accepted.


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