
A chicken in your pot

At Tuesday's breakfast meeting, Josh Rugby, the formerly proud sports editor of the Snapsville Postscipt, was first to arrive, and with some significant news.

In a, so called, cost cutting move, Josh had been asked by the newspaper's management to clean out his desk, as well as two closets and three filing cabinets that he had inherited. A hold was also placed on his faithful Apple computer and his camera. Yes, in the words of the infamous 'Donald' he was indeed, fired.

The notification had occurred this past Friday after 4:30 PM. and was not entirely unexpected.

On Saturday, he hired Fern and Deana to organize and tidy his stuff and transport it to his small apartment.

Hiram was surprised at the news but not awed. He knew eccentric 'Ole Man Witherspoon' the 95-year old owner of the Postscript. In fact, the Hope Cafe was the venue for Mr. Walter Witherspoon's 88th birthday gala.

Back then, after a heaping bowl of Stormy's Rainy Days and Mondays banana pudding, it was nap time and Snapsville's most renowned journalist slept in a booth, on the premises for an hour.

As a young cub reporter, Witherspoon, had covered the Hoover inauguration, in January, 1929. Yes, that's Herbert Clark Hoover, the 31st President.

Widely attributed to Hoover was the slogan, "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage." This was to show an image of prosperity. Unfortunately, the image was short-lived as the stock market crashed in October, 1929.

Yet, Hiram and Josh admired Hoover. Hoover attempted to refuse his Presidential salary and wound up donating it to charity. Also, the Inauguration was based on a Bible verse from Proverbs:

Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law,
happy is he.

What about Josh? For now, he would drive a cab.

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