
Presidential Power

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power

-- Abraham Lincoln

We thought, because we had power, we had wisdom

-- Stephen Vincent Benet

The oval office acts as a powerful magnet. The closer one gets to it, the greater the attraction

-- Hiram J. Hope

Hiram came to the roundtable this morning, somewhat perturbed. He is concerned that virtually all the lurkers and wannabe potential candidates are now sidling up to the dance floor. The wallflowers are actually walking out onto the floor and are cutting in on the prettiest girls. These procrastinators are now desperately acting like salmon on their upstream trek.

Fred Thompson is scoring high in the polls even though his blast-off announcement is not expected until July 4th. He is definitely dancing.

Michael Bloomberg is pirouetting and he is bringing his own hall, dance band and girls (the Rockettes, no doubt). He is also bringing his treasure.

Newt is trying to dance while still sitting on a fence. He does a mean mug-wump, bunny hop.

Al Gore is swaying near the band stand, causing the breezes to shift, as he anticipates certain awards. The noble Nobel Peace Prize may be his.

Meanwhile, here in Snapsville, Foster's teacher is still bad-mouthing Hiram's candidacy, "It will certainly be a 'fluke' should Mr. Hope win."

Hiram thought about printing some Tee shirts captioned:

Don't be a kook,
Vote for the Fluke.

Then Steve reminded Hiram that in addition to being a 'stroke of luck', a 'fluke' is also a vile, nasty, sucking, parasitic, worm-fish.

Hiram decided to order Tee shirts on another day.



Anonymous said...

On Power

Is there power that is not based on the idea that the one holding power forbears to destroy that over which he holds power?

Bob Matthews

Horace Smith said...
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Horace Smith said...


That's a thought provoking 'power' quote. Here is one from former Secretary of the Navy, John Lehman:


Horace for Hiram

Anonymous said...

Mr. H, Does Hiram have a comment on power and its oft quoted relationship to corruption?

Horace Smith said...

The problem of power is how to achieve its responsible use rather than its irresponsible and indulgent use - of how to get men of power to live for the public rather than off the public.

Robert Kennedy