Tuesday night following the Republican Party (Fox) presidential debate, Hiram called to make sure all of us campaign workers made it to the 6:00 AM roundtable at the cafe. For one thing, he wanted guinea pigs to test a new recipe.
Steve, Hiram's quirky brother, has continued to make progress in cooking school. He has come under undue influence of the school's dean, Dimitria, a disciple of global warming. At this morning's meeting Steve introduced a new low-cal, carbon neutral, ever-green, pancake made with ethanol and served with honey from killer bees.
We were all hungry enough to scarf down at least one. Only two of us had to throw-up. I reminded Hiram to be certain that his product liability insurance is in force. As for Steve, Josh Rugby, suggested that he go out to Snapsville Mall and attempt to interest Starbucks in this new politically correct, breakfast. That should definitely help the Hope Cafe.
Hiram quickly reminded us that the purpose of our meeting was business, not pleasure. He rapped his fork against a glass and commenced his remarks:
"Most of you, except my very tired and pregnant spouse, saw the Republican debate last night. While it was not spectacular, I was glad to see the moderator pose a series of questions, regarding potential terrorist attacks. Attacks occurring to and within the Continental United States.
"For far too long most of us including yours truly, have considered presidential politics to be fun and games, or a light and fluffy spectator sport, a form of entertainment. And why, not? Rallies, conventions, debates, parties and parades are indeed fun. Our times have changed!
"Especially since 9/11, times have dramatically changed! We now live in the most perilously dangerous times since the founding of our country. We have multiple and diverse enemies who possess or will soon possess radiological, chemical and bacteriological weapons. We are talking nukes including dirty ones. We are talking nerve gas. We are talking anthrax and worse. And we are talking motivated suicide bombers.
"Without even dwelling on the possible injuries and casualties, imagine daily living with a total absence of money and with a complete disruption of the banking system. No stocks, bonds or 401K's. No Social Security or veteran's checks. Imagine super market shelves that remain bare while hungry throngs meander about, waiting for a chopper to drop MRE's. Imagine limited quantities of medicine and gasoline only available to someone willing to barter fire arms, jewelry, or perhaps a hen that still lays rather than lays still.
"The Surprise Party, its representatives and delegates, pray that these tragic events never occur. That our greatest misfortune might be having to consume a disagreeable green pancake.
"Surprise candidates are being chosen on the basis of character and their street sense. And while we work for a vibrant economy, sound education, reformed taxes, and other domestic issues, we will reach out to befriend our global allies as well as our enemies while keeping our Armed Forces strong and ready.
"A couple of prominent Washington think tanks have been researching ways to keep our government operating smoothly, should we sustain a devastating attack. As presidential nominee of the Surprise Party, I have asked the directors of these think tanks to keep us apprised and advised of their findings and recommendations.
"In the meantime, politics can still be enjoyable, if we are prudent, curious, cautious and wise."
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