
Curtain call

In order that you keep up with our myriad of characters, we will reintroduce the main players with a curtain call:

HIRAM---the protagonist, owner of the Hope Cafe. Candidate for US President and Herkimer's daddy

STORMY---his spouse, former runner up for Miss Kentucky; famous for her 'Rainy days and Mondays' banana pudding. Mother of Herkimer.

STEVE---Most US presidents have one---Hiram's quirky brother. He is divorced and has custody of his (now 8) year old son.

FAITH---Loyal waitress and campaign treasuer

JOSH RUGBY---Hiram's good friend and sports editor of the Snapsville Postscript

REVEREND ROSS ---Hiram's pastor at 3rd Pentecostal Church

BAMBI---Hiram's mother

SINBAD---Hiram's daddy

FOSTER---Hiram's nephew, aged 8. Son of quirky Steve.

JOHN SHUMAKER---Chairman and operations manager of the Surprise Party.

FERN and DEANA: Ladies, who are sisters and do odd jobs around the diner.

During the spring, not much has happened on the local level. Nationally, the big banks and auto-makers continue to predict bankruptcy, and I guess Pontiac as a brand name is gone.

We (Hiram, Josh and I) did attend a bedbug conference at the Sheraton in Arlington, VA. It seems that anytime, anyone mentions a recession or a depression there is an increase in bedbug infestations.

The nasty criitters attack an hour before dawn and they feed on human blood (vampire style). Since the EPA banned DDT and other potent pesticides, the insects have thrived. When the bugs are squished they emit a putrid odor. Cockroaches are their avowed enemies.

Hiram wants to get a speaking engagement at the next bedbug summit.

More, soon.
